What is Email Checker?

What is Email Checker?

By Bulk Mail Verifier | 8/8/2023, 9:23:35 AM

What is Email Checker?

An email verifier or checker is a tool to validate that an email address exists and can receive emails. Verifying is important before contacting new recipients to avoid bounces and protect your sender's reputation. Email Checkers include spam email checkers and bulk email checkers. These are simple little tools for verifying an email address. It's free and quite easy to use. Just enter the email address and hit the check button. It tells you whether the email id is real or fake. Sometimes, it cannot correctly predict and say unknown because some email providers have put some limits and restrictions or simply don’t like any verification checks on their mailboxes.

How does Email Checker Work?

Even though many people have heard about email checkers or used some of them, not all clearly understand the technical aspects of the service. We will show you how it works by describing the main technological features and verification steps — this will allow you to understand how email addresses are validated or checked easily.

 The main email checker features and validation steps:

·         Step 1 — Syntax check — the core feature, the first validation step for all email verifier services. Syntax check makes it possible to check whether an email address is spelled correctly — it has no spaces or commas, and all the @s, dots, and domain extensions are in the right place.

·         Step 2 — Domain check — the second step of the email verification process. Domain check lets you be sure the domain name the email address is hosted on exists, is registered, and works properly on the hosting domain.

·         Step 3 — Email ping is the most sophisticated email verification step. Email ping is the technical process of an email verifier service pinging the exact email address with an EHLO message and then awaiting the response from the email server. The received server response will confirm the email address exists on the server and is active.

Different email verifier services can provide users with all or just some verification mechanisms. However, all the features described above are a must-have for any modern verification service, and they all matter!

What are the purpose and benefits of Email Checker?

Following are some points for email checker and why it is important.


Your Sender Score is a big part of your email deliverability. It helps the ISPs determine if you are worthy of the inbox or if you get filtered to the spam folder. The higher your score, the better your placement; the lower your score, the more likely you will get stuck in the junk folder.

Here is how email verification improves your Sender Score.

1. Eliminates Hard Bounces

A hard bounce is one of the primary reasons your sender score drops. Hard bounces mostly occur because the email address no longer exists. It may never have existed, and you acquired a fictitious email address, or the account once existed and was later closed by the user. It is a good practice to ‘clean your list quarterly to identify old email addresses and remove them before your next campaign. It is also recommended that you validate each newly acquired email address to prevent typos and fake accounts from creating additional unwanted hard bounces.

2. Reduces Spam Complaints

In an ideal world, you want to have your spam complaint rate less than 0.1%. That means that for every 5,000 email messages sent out, you should have less than five spam complaints. Therefore, you must send quality content to interested users, but even so, we know spam complaints can happen.

3. Blacklists

If you become blacklisted, this is another reason why your Sender Score will suffer. Getting placed on a blacklist will prevent the server from accepting your message. Some blacklists are more potent than others, and some blacklists will automatically de-list you after a pre-determined amount of time. Practicing good list hygiene and acquiring data from the right sources is key to minimizing the risk of becoming blacklisted. Remember that it is also recommended that you monitor your mailing IPs daily to identify if you have become blacklisted and attempt to resolve it before you send off your next campaign.


  • Know your data sources:

Not all data sources are going to be good sources. When selecting partners, you need to keep an eye on quality. They don’t work with data brokers. Often, the data they sell has been sold many times. That means you won’t get results with subscribers and will find stale data.

  • Remove unengaged users:

Review your list regularly, and remove unengaged subscribers. Letting go of data you worked hard to acquire is hard, but uninterested users can create problems. For example, remove a user who has not opened your emails in the past three months. This way, you reduce the risk of spam complaints and hard bounces.

  • Routine list hygiene with email verification:

Real-time email verification is the best way to filter out bad-quality leads at the collection point. Don’t allow typos and fictitious contact data to sneak into your web form and do damage. Check your leads at the front door to prevent spam bots and fraudsters from infiltrating your email list.

Now moving onwards, here are the various benefits of email verification:

  • Ascertains accuracy of your data.
  • Reduces email bounces.
  • Saves money.
  • Shows accurate campaign insights.
  • Improves customer engagement.
  • Increases campaign ROI.
  • Saves efforts in fixing bounces.
  • Prevents deliverability issues.

 What does Bulkmail verifier do for you?

Bulk Email Checker is a web application that can verify whether an email address is real or fake. Anyone who sends emails regularly can benefit from using the system. All email addresses are passed against a 17+ factor test. From being in a valid RFC-compliant format and filtering duplicates to a deep cleaning SMTP test that is very accurate. The bulk verification system allows uploads of any plain text CSV or tab-delimited list of emails to be bulk verified, or the Rest API can be integrated directly into your website or application.