Ultimate Guide to Email Address Validation

The Ultimate Guide to Email Address Validation: Is Your Email Address Valid?

By Bulk Mail Verifier | 9/16/2023, 7:21:29 PM

If a business owner wants to gather a subscriber base, they should take the time to check their emails. It will help accelerate the effectiveness of using mail and protect against problems in the future.

Additionally, validating and verifying email addresses can be automated using dedicated tools. However, you don't need to know a programming language or spend days learning a new language. It is enough to understand the basic settings.

What is email validation and verification?

Suppose a business owner has collected a database of emails and wants to use them to increase conversions. He signs up for the newsletter service, pays the price, creates a template, and waits for a response.

A few hours later, the sender sees unpleasant statistics in the reports. It turned out that only half of the messages reached their recipients, and only 10% of that number opened them. Time is wasted, and the entrepreneur refrains from using the channel.

The big mistake is that more than collecting email addresses is needed to create an effective newsletter. Moreover, if most inboxes are invalid or their owners are not interested in the content, then there will be no point in sending messages.

There are two processes for cleaning the contact database — validation and verification. Mailbox validation is often confused with verification, so it's important to understand the details.

Above all, validation is verifying that an email address exists. With the help of specialized services, it is possible to determine whether such a fund exists. However, users often add fake emails to the contact form as they do not want to share personal information.

In other words, verification is confirmation of subscription. On many websites, you can find a newsletter tracking form. This way, the user enters an email address, receives an email with an activation link to the terms of the GDPR, and subscribes to the update.

Validation and verification help keep your subscriber base updated. The general difference between the two is that verification must only be done once when the user subscribes to the newsletter. But it is better to do validation occasionally because emails stop working.

Why is it important to verify/validate email addresses before sending emails?

According to some statistics, approximately 23% of email accounts become invalid yearly. It applies to some email address databases, but a percentage of users are lost yearly, and you can only do something about it.

Verifying and verifying that your email account is working properly will save your newsletter service time and resources. However, the limits will be wasted assuming that 1,500 connections out of a database of 12,000 contacts do not receive notifications.

The email address validation is verified automatically, so there is no need to fear it. However, choosing the right email service before sending emails is important. If you have to change the platform, you must request verification again.

Reduce bounce rates.

When an email is sent to any email address that does not exist, the sender receives a hard rejection. Your email service provider (ESP) may block the account if multiple cases exist.

Moreover, checking email addresses periodically protects against a high bounce rate. You can set up scheduled recipient validation in some marketing services without wasting time.

Plus, keeping the bounce rate low or 0 is one of the primary goals of every business owner and marketer who deals with newsletters.

Increase the percentage of emails delivered.

If most of the emails in your list are valid, the percentage of emails delivered will be close to 100%. This, in turn, makes the sender's account reliable for email services' algorithms.

Other factors also affect delivery: number of backlinks, email subject lines, and domain trust. But if problems start from the beginning, there is no point in relying on efficient work with the email channel.

Protect the sender's reputation.

Bulk email validation services are interested in working with customers who do not have problems with email delivery and do not use restricted methods to advertise their products or services.

Many service providers have internal metrics to evaluate each user's performance. Once the specified ranges are exceeded, work will be blocked.

Also, The purpose of email services is the successful delivery of emails. Email address verification and other preliminary tasks are the responsibility of senders. They are more interested in making sure the system is working perfectly.

You should also keep in mind that when you send emails from your company email account, there is a risk that they will be blocked. This happens when a constant stream of spam and users send complaints.

Improve announcement results.

Email address blocking or any other technical issues are often relatively easy. However, if something goes wrong with your newsletter, it could hinder your business and reduce your revenue.

You can track improvements in your newsletter performance using response rates, open rates, and other metrics. If users read your emails, reply to them, and take other targeted actions, you can consider your work done.

Newsletters are created to stay in touch with potential and existing customers. But it won't do any good if your interaction turns into email harassment.

The outcome of your email interaction with your subscribers depends on several factors. When the sender does not check the email's accuracy, the feasibility of further efforts is greatly questioned.

How to verify your email address without sending an email?

Several ways to verify email are available to users of all skill levels. It's best to use a bulk email verification tool to verify email addresses to save time.

If a newsletter service is available, you should check if a verification feature is available. Many email servers offer this service for free. But, access to it may be unlocked after paying for a subscription plan.

You can also verify an email address without using an external tool, but the email can only be verified after sending a test message through the provider.

Check the syntax of the email address.

Title syntax consists of certain components. They are email name, @ symbol, and domain name. Only points may be used in the title, but no more than 1 point may be used.

The domain also consists of specific parts of the name and area. However, domains like my-spam.email.com.tld are suspicious because it doesn't look like an average user's mailbox.

It's easy to visually check the syntax and find addresses that can be discarded, but take your time to keep valid addresses that appear incorrect.

Test server connection

Usually, only experienced users ping SMTP servers because they know that this way, you can delete an entire domain from your email address database, but not specific addresses. This way, you can confirm your email address faster.

Using a tool like PuTTY for Telnet, you can ping a domain and see if it's online. If there is no reply for a long time, you can remove the email address from the list or temporarily block the email from being sent.

Find IP address

Another quick way to check your email is based on IP address analysis. You can use any tool to verify your IP without learning more advanced tools.

Using IP analysis to verify an email address without sending an email is based on using MX records. The tool analyzes whether it exists and how it is configured.

By checking the MX, you can view the IP address and then check information about it on any service that provides such data. You can find it in seconds via search engines.

DNS query

DNS Lookup is a domain verification tool. DNS lookups can be used as an additional method to repair domain problems. Keep in mind that every area can have difficulties at times.

In a search engine, you can find a service in seconds that displays the service record information configured for your domain. After that, all you have to do is verify its authenticity.

Search for titles on Google.

Its easy to find email addresses on almost every media or business website. It is published for potential customers or partners so that they can communicate and get answers to their questions.

This method is not guaranteed 100% accurate, but it may be correct if the email is public. Remember to pay attention to domain name availability. If he does not respond to the request, the validity of the email address will not affect the successful delivery of the message. There are many ways to check email, but search engines are only some of the most effective. But it can be used as a source of information.

Check existing denylists

A blacklist is a collection of email addresses previously found to have suspicious activity. For example, sending mass spam or links to phishing websites. Emails from low-trust domains will not reach their recipients.

When beginners ask how to check email, one of the most relevant options is to use a blacklist. You should not email these addresses if the domain is on the list.

Sometimes, addresses are mistakenly blacklisted, but this does not happen often. Therefore, you can rely on it and use it to clean up your newsletter contact base.

Use email verification tools.

Verifying emails is a standard task for anyone using this channel. Therefore, services for performing this verification have long been needed. You can find dozens of alternatives on the web with nearly the same functionality.

When asked how to verify your email, the simplest answer is to use a verification service. It is enough to enter the address in a special line and analyze it. After a few seconds, the results will appear on the screen.

To obtain more accurate data, multiple tools need to be used simultaneously. This way, the risk of errors is reduced, and you can confidently use your newsletter headers.

How does the email validation tool work?

Most email verification services use sophisticated data monitoring: syntax checks, server pings, and DNS interactions.

To ensure the algorithm works properly, you must add multiple addresses to the tool and review the results. If there are no issue, you can use the tool to complete the task.

The most popular services can successfully handle email verification. Users can copy the email address to add it to the next newsletter.

Best Email Address Verification Tool

Several options will appear after entering a query related to the best email analysis tools in the search bar. But users must make their own decisions.

Every website can position itself as the best email checker because the email verification mechanism is simple. Some tools only use one method to recover data without the user knowing.

BulkmailVerifier email validation tool is a great option. The service uses comprehensive algorithms to verify email address data and ensure each email account can send emails securely.

In addition to fast access to the webmaster database, the service also offers link placement guarantees. It replaces the database of any freelancing and outreach websites offering unlimited addresses for just $399, potentially jeopardizing your website development.

How do you validate email addresses through BulkMailverifier? 

Bulkmailverifier is a tool that facilitates you to verify the validity and deliverability of email addresses. You can use it to test if an email deal exists, if it's far formatted efficaciously, if it's miles disposable, if it's miles related to a webmail provider, and if it has amazing popularity. Here are some steps you can comply with to use Mailverifier for electronic mail validation:

  • Go to the Bulkmailverifier internet site by clicking this link(bulkmailverifier.com).
  • Enter the email address you confirm in the enter field and click the Verify button. You can also upload a report with multiple email addresses and affirm them in bulk.
  • Wait for the verification system to complete. You will see the effects displayed on the display screen, indicating each electronic mail deal's status, validity, and details.
  • You can download the effects as a CSV document or copy them to your clipboard. You can also combine Bulkmailverifier with your application through the integration of API.

Final thoughts.

Bulkmailverifier is a beneficial tool for managing email marking, leads, and statistics. It improves your email deliverability, reduces bounce fees, and protects your sender's popularity. You can try it without spending a dime by signing up for an account on their website. You get 1500 credits for verifications and the right to enter their features and help.

However, verifying email addresses is one of the most important tasks, and its quality determines the effectiveness of using email channels. You can save money if you pay attention to these procedures