Millionverifier vs. Zero Bounce: A Comprehensive Comparison for Email Verification

Millionverifier Vs. ZeroBounce: A Comprehensive Comparison for Email Verification

By null | 9/14/2023, 8:41:24 AM

Any good email marketer knows that lists often become outdated. You may change jobs, stop using your email address, or make a typo when sending an email. Anything can happen. Cleaning and validating your email list is very important if you want to keep your metrics high.

But choosing an email verification service isn't like choosing between two different brands of ketchup.

Today, we'll do a comparison of two popular email verification services.

Million Verifier vs. Zero Bounce. Let's take a look at accuracy, speed, price, and more.

Million Verifier Vs Zero Bounce: Overview Of Email Authentication Service

Millionverifier, formerly known as HuBoCo, is a bulk email verification tool that allows you to verify email addresses. Once you upload your entire email list, Millionverifier will quickly run the email verification process. Get a breakdown of old emails, spam traps, typos, and other types of invalid emails. It provides an automatic cleaning service so you can verify emails as soon as someone sends them to her website.

Zero Bounce is one of the most popular email verification services on the market. Known for its ease of use, excellent customer support, and accuracy, it is the choice of many email marketers around the world. Although it has a wide range of features, a common complaint is that it is one of the most expensive tools in the email verification industry. 

Millionverifier Vs. Zero Bounce: Features

In comparison, Millionverifier provides many important features for email verification. You can upload your list as a file or copy and paste it into your dashboard. Alternatively, you can connect to your favorite email marketing platform and upload your list with one click or use our email verification API.

This feature allows you to verify email addresses in real time when someone submits an email address to her website.

If you want to take it a step further, MillionVerifier offers a feature called EverClean. This tool connects to your favorite email marketing software (Mailchimp, Sendinblue, Mailgun, etc.). Once connected, Millionverifier scans your email list once a day and removes spam traps, temporary email accounts, typos, and more.

Zerobounce, in comparison, has more comprehensive features. In addition to email verification, we also offer an email finder that allows you to cost-effectively search for emails from potential customers. If your primary purpose is checking email, this may not be a very appealing feature. However, it can be useful for sales teams.

In Addition

In addition to email ratings, it also provides email activity data features. Both allow you to check the quality of the list. Additionally, there is Blacklist Monitoring, an online email verification system that checks if you are blacklisted. Last but not least, Zero Bounce has an email testing tool that helps you check if your emails are reaching your recipients' inboxes.  If you're on a tight budget, there are many tools available for free. DKIM generator, blacklist checker, SPF generator, email list evaluation tool, and more.


Zero Bounce has a  richer toolset and wins this category. It is the best choice to make.

Millionverifier vs Zero Bounce: Accuracy of  email verification process

One of the most important aspects of an email verification tool is accuracy. After all, when validating hundreds of thousands of emails, the difference between 97% and 99% curation can be huge.

According to Millionverifier, its accuracy is 99%, which is pretty good for bulk email verification. However, if you look for reviews from verified users, you will notice two things. First, this tool is not very good at recognizing all email addresses. Second, the company's email verification service doesn't work well with Yahoo addresses. So, that's good, but it could be better.

Zero Bounce also claims his 99% healing properties, which is pretty accurate according to user accounts. Customers say Zero Bounce is great at detecting stale, fake, catch-all, and spam trap addresses.


When it comes to accuracy, million verifier vs Zero Bounce, Zero Bounce is superior. Both tools show the same accuracy, and the customer reviews on the Zero Bounce site are the same.It is the best choice to make.

Millionverifier vs. Zero Bounce: Pricing

Million Verifier pricing is very simple. Select the number of emails you want for the email verification process, and you're done. For 10,000 emails, you'll have to pay a one-time fee of $37 for free. These credits can be used for email validation tools, bulk validation services, and email validation APIs. The minimum amount you can pay is $4.9, and you will have access to 2,000 credits.

EverClean is an add-on that has an additional charge based on the total number of emails. As explained, this service scans and verifies emails daily and deletes fraudulent emails. For up to 10,000 emails, you need to pay $15 per month. A free trial is available, and you can get up to 200 verification credits just by signing up. Connect your email marketing software and get 10,000 verification credits with a free trial.

On the other hand, Zero Bounce is famous for its high price. He has two methods of paying out Zero Bounce. You can either get credits upfront or pay with a monthly plan. Pricing for both is very similar, starting at $0.008 per verified email. The more emails you authenticate, the lower your monthly fee will be. 

Benefits Include:

Zero Bounce is unique in this market because it offers a money-back guarantee. If the accuracy they claim is below the guarantee, they will refund 10% of the cost. If the accuracy is off by 4%,  20% of the cost will be refunded.

This seems like a lot until you find out that his 200 contacts make up 2% of his 10,000 email list. Even if you get 10% of your money back, that's tiny compared to the damage that could be caused by sending a campaign to 200 unverified addresses. That aside, Zero Bounce is one of the most expensive email verification tools out there. There is a free trial, but you can only verify up to 100 emails.


Millionverifier is a better tool for the price. It is the best choice to make

Millionverifier Vs Zero Bounce: Customer Service

Since Millionverifier has been rebranded, finding verified reviews can be a bit of a pain. However, some reviews say that customer support is okay. Beyond that, there are complaints that the live chat doesn't work 24/7, which can be a challenge for customers around the world.

This is where Zero Bounce really shines. If you look at sites like G2 and Capterra, there are many positive reviews for Zero Bounce, all of which praise the customer service. It's fast, convenient, and easily accessible through a variety of channels.


In terms of customer support, Zero Bounce is a better tool. It is the best choice to make

Alternatives To Millionverifier Vs. Zero Bounce To Improve Your Email Marketing

It is said that you cannot have your cake and eat it at the same time. Well, we disagree. With Bouncer, you get all the important features of Millionverifier and Zero Bounce in one place and at a low cost.

The Bouncer is Packed With Great Features:

Email verification API, bulk list cleaning, toxicity checks, and more. There's also a deliverability kit to help you solve your deliverability problems and improve your email marketing efforts.

Toxicity Check is a tool that analyzes your email list and detects whether it contains harmful emails. This means that harmful emails are circulating on the World Wide Web, which can damage the reputation of the sender. The bouncer allows you to identify and remove them all at once.

The bouncer reports an accuracy of over 99.5%. We are also SOC2 compliant, so your data is safe and secure at every point of bulk email verification.

With prices starting at $0.0015 per email,  Bouncer is one of the cheapest ways to get verified email addresses. The email verification tool's free plan gives you 100 credits to test the tool.In short, Bouncer can do everything Millionverifier and Zerobounce do better and cheaper, so get ready to have your cake and eat it too.


Millionverifier and Zero Bounce are both powerful tools that help you verify email addresses and optimize your email marketing campaigns. Zero Bounce is more expensive, but you will find it to be a more comprehensive tool with better customer support and user experience.

However, as we have shown, none of these are ideal, and there are certain drawbacks that must coexist. Or do you?

Sign up for Bmv instead. A wide range of features, excellent customer support,  and maximum precision, all at an amazing price. Get your free trial now!