Mastering Bulk Mail Verifier: A Complete Guide

How to use Bulk Mail Verifier

By Bulk Mail Verifier | 11/3/2023, 8:26:25 PM

Account Creation

  1. Create your account by using a valid email address; you can do that by clicking on the Start FREE trial on the top right corner of the page. You can also fill in your email address on the home page banner.
  2. Could you verify your account?
    1. Check your junk folder if you are still waiting to receive the email in your inbox. Move the email to your inbox and click on the link to verify the account on
  3. Log in to Dashboard.
    1. Once your account is ready, you can now access your dashboard, and on the right-hand side, you will have different options to work with, like:
      1. Dashboard
      2. Realtime
      3. Bulk List
      4. Buy Credits
      5. Documentation
      6. Help
      7. Available Credits
    2. Realtime
      1. With Bulk Mail Verifier, you can authenticate emails in real-time. All you need to do is, type the email address and click on the verify option; then our system will check your email and validate it in real time. Once the emails are i checked, you will get the results as follows: Email |Syntax|Disposable|Role|Domain|SMTP. If your email is valid and ready to accept email messages, then you will see it highlighted in green. In case the email has any issues, it will be highlighted in red, and X will display what the problem is.
    3. Bulk List
      1. When you click on the bulk list, you will get two options on the top.
        1. Paste Emails
        2. Upload Files
      2. Paste emails: If you only have a list of emails and wish to copy-paste them, you can select them and copy-paste them. Make sure all the emails are on separate lines. Give your listing a name and click on validate. The system will then check and verify your emails. Once done, click the verify button to start validating further.
      3. Upload files: select a CSV file by clicking on choose file or drag and drop. CSV should have a heading on a column consisting of, name, email address, phone, etc. Once the file is uploaded, it will start processing. After it is processed, you need to click on “verify now” for the system to begin cleaning the provided data.
      4. Buy Credits: 1 credit = 1 email validation. Sometimes, there are special or premium domains like Yahoo and Microsoft, which require more than one credit to validate. All you have to do is, insert the number of credits that will help you validate emails, and follow the steps online. For this, you can pay through any known debit or credit card, or even PayPal. Once the payment is completed, and your credits are stored, you will get an automatic update in your dashboard.
      5. v. Help: using ‘help,’ you can generate a ticket or contact our team. In case of an issue, you can always email or use the live chat.
  4. Results: the following options will be displayed when you use our services:
    1. Valid Emails
      1. It means that these emails are correct, and you can send emails to these addresses. They are ready to accept any incoming email. Happy days!
    2. Invalid Emails
      1. It seems that the emails you sent me are not responsive. So, emailing them is not recommended because it may result in a hard bounce. And we don’t want you to face that!
    3. Domain invalid
      1. It means that the email addresses in this category have an invalid domain; for instance, Could be spelled as or So, these addresses are incorrect, and sending them an email will result in a hard bounce. Not recommended!
    4. Role-Based Accounts
      1. In this category, the emails are separate due to the nature of the email. Role-based emails link to a specific department or group of people, Such as sales, support, care, etc. So, sending emails to them is OK, but most of the time, they have auto-replies. Be aware!
    5. Disposable Emails
      1. Disposable emails are temporary email accounts. Various websites offer emails that expire in 20 to 30 minutes. So, sending emails to these accounts will result in a bounce back. Please don’t waste your time emailing them!
    6. Spam
      1. Spam emails link to junk mail, or their domains are greylisted. Sending emails to them is not a good idea. Do not proceed!
    7. Catchall Emails
      1. A catchall email is an email account that collects all the mail sent to a domain name. Any misspelled email sent to recipients at your domain will be “caught” by catchall email. Suppose an email addressed to is sent to; the email will end up in the catchall account and will not get bounced back. It will get delivered to the domain. Note – We do not recommend sending emails to catchall accounts; if you have been sending and communicating in the past, you should only send emails to them.
  5. Credits
    1. Expiry
      1. Unlimited Email Verifier 
        1. Our Unlimited Email verifier offers unlimited email verification for a month. You can verify as many emails as possible.
      2. Your credits never expire. Be happy!