Ensure Email Delivery with Online Verification Services

Email Delivery Verification by Online Email Delivery Services

By Bulk Mail Verifier | 11/9/2023, 10:39:05 PM

Verifying domain is one of the best email practices to maintain the peak position of your inbox delivery rates. To start sending emails from an email delivery service, first, please verify your domain verified, i.e. Affirm that you own the domain, and confirm that all the email IDs are already present on that domain.

Various email delivery services are dedicated to keeping the email ecosystem clean and lessening the total number of messages that reach the spam. To keep up the authenticity as an email provider and give the clients the best deliverability and ROI, they pursue strict measures for domain approval. The email conveying domain verification procedure is a mixture of programmatic and human checks, which assist us in deciding whether the domain will send real and relevant messages.

The delivery team of the services approves and reviews a domain depending on various variables. That is, Domain ownership, nature of the business, website content, list-building activities, triggered or transactional email that is being sent, whether the business locations coordinate the location where your account is built, whether the emails are apt to your business, and many more.

It usually takes less than 120 minutes for this entire procedure of validating a domain. When approved, and you include your TXT and SPF records, then you can begin sending messages.


In case you feel that your site gives a check to all the above conditions, then kindly connect with their support team for an evaluation.

Occasionally, the approval procedure could be delayed. In those cases, don’t panic; give them some time to understand use cases for every domain, and provide a little more data about how your site and business are built up. You will probably get an email from them in which they ask you to sign up to give the answers to their queries to clear their doubts.


It’s vital when you start your email marketing best practices, be it promotional or transactional. Remember that you don’t frequently change the domain name and guarantee that it establishes a long-term impression on your end clients.

Here, I list a couple of general rules for picking a domain:


An utterly unique domain in comparison to your business domain or a sub-domain of your business domain. For example, myshoppingsitemails.com has totally changed the domain, and email.myshoppingsite.com is a subdomain of your business domain.


For this situation, Trans.myshoppingsite.com for transactional and email.myshoppingsite.com for the promotional.

Your mailing domain is distinct from your business domain. However, please make sure that you have the same names, and that you divert mailing to the business domain. The end client should feel the link between the domains. However, as an email marketer, you should utilize various tools to get your campaign accurate. To get the assurance that these flawlessly created campaigns directly reach the inbox, you must pursue the best email practices of domain confirmation. Likewise, to develop their business, individuals send various kinds of messages. They must know about all of the tools. I hope this blog is helpful to you.