Bulk Mail Verifier vs. ZeroBounce: A Comparison

Bulk Mail Verifier vs. ZeroBounce: Which Email Verification Tool Prevails?

By Bulk Mail Verifier | 9/19/2023, 1:03:13 PM

What is a Bulk E-mail Verification Tool Service?

Bulk e-mail list testing – a must-have email verification tool for businesses sending bulk e-mails – determines whether the e-mail list is completely valid and deliverable. This process involves analyzing each e-mail address in the uploaded list and is provided as hosted software.

How Does E-mail Verification Tool Work?

The authenticity of a mail address can be measured through a combination of authentication techniques and, depending on the internal database, proprietary algorithms.

At the end of the Email verification tool process, any invalid addresses are filtered out, leaving a clean, fully deliverable e-mail list ready to meet marketing and sales requests. 

E-mail Authentication Process

1. Check E-mail Address Syntax

This will remove e-mail addresses that are incorrectly formatted according to IETF standards.

2. Verify domain/MX records

This will check the DNS entries for an e-mail address. If the domain is found to be invalid or missing an MX entry, this process will mark the corresponding e-mail address as invalid. 

3. Role-Based Account Detection

Send e-mails to role-based accounts like postmaster@, information@, deals@, admin@, etc. can contrarily affect your deliverability and indeed get you blacklisted by some ISPs. This process detects and reports these addresses.

4. Detect Disposable E-mail Addresses (EA)

Disposable e-mails or "spam" e-mails will be detected and handled appropriately. These are e-mails created temporarily and used for registration forms or to bypass login forms that require a valid e-mail address.  

5. Detect Honey Traps/Spam Traps

This detects spam seeds, BOTs, honeypots, and fake or blacklisted e-mail addresses by comparing the addresses in the list with known e-mail lists/domains used to trap senders' spam.

6. Check DNSBL And DNSBL URI  For Blacklisting

A DNS-based blackhole list (DNSBL) or real-time blackhole list (RBL) may be a list of IP addresses commonly used for spam. The DNSBL URI  is a DNSBL that lists domains that are found in the body of spam e-mails but are not typically found in legitimate messages. During this process, e-mails and IP addresses are checked against DNSBL, and URI DNSBL is known to trap spam networks.

7. Final Check

This stage performs comprehensive and in-depth SMTP testing on each e-mail address. E-mail ping software to check mailbox existence without sending actual e-mail to the inbox.

Who is the best bulk e-mail tester, ZeroBounce vs. Bulk Bulk mail verifier?

Below is a list of the most popular services as determined by AccuWebHosting.com through ongoing comprehensive analysis. Please note that changing registration fees may affect listing placement. However, this compensation did not explicitly influence our review.

1. Zerobounce.Net – The Most Accurate E-mail verification tool Software

ZeroBounce is an award-winning Email verification tool provider.

Twelfth. No returns

Zerobounce is a leading online Email verification tool that ensures businesses sending complex, high-volume e-mails avoid deliverability issues. This is done by eliminating invalid e-mail addresses and bounced e-mails, validating IP addresses, and verifying primary recipient demographics.

ZeroBounce is the best Email verification tool and service provider. Check out the ZeroBounce guide to improving your deliverability and inbox rate. For developers, you can get all the ZeroBounce tutorials and documentation here.

What Makes Zerobounce Different From Others?

 ZeroBounce is GDPR compliant, guarantees 99% accuracy, is part of the US-EU-Swiss Privacy Shield, and is one of the cheapest e-mail authentication providers. It is presently ISO 27001, HIPAA, and SOC II Sort 2 approved. ZeroBounce puts the Email verification tool one step ahead of the rest with its "artificial intelligence e-mail address scoring system" ZeroBounce A.I. new.

Check If The E-mail Address Is Valid With Zerobounce


ZeroBounce basic plan starts at $16 for 2,000 e-mail credits (1 e-mail credit = 1 mail confirmation). They moreover offer bulk confirmation plans beginning at $390 for 100,000 mail credits, and for higher plans,  the Email verification tool cost comes down to $0.001175 per Email verification tool, and credits never expire.

ZeroBounce is offering a special 10% discount to this blog's visitors on their first new customer purchase. To benefit from this offer, all they need to do is enter the promo code "accuwebpayg" into the platform to benefit from the discount.

Download/Install Necessary Software:

Are not

ZeroBounce activity data

Our email verifier makes your data emailable. ZeroBounce's scoring accomplices offer assistance in recognizing e-mail addresses whose final known action was   180 days ago. Get an overview of;

  1.  Opener
  2.  Clickers
  3.  Freight forwarder
  4.  Unsubscriber

Only use credits for successful matches where we can provide you with valuable information.

Customer Support

24/7 support via tickets and limited support via chat and phone. Explore the effectiveness of ZeroBounce support. 

Privacy Policy/Data Protection Policy

ZeroBounce is GDPR, EU-US compliant. And Email verification tool provider certified under the Swiss-US Privacy Shield. Further information can be found in the privacy policy described on their website.

  1. In addition to the above checks, ZeroBounce also detects habitual complainers, bad domains, spam keywords, role-based accounts, disposable e-mail addresses (DEA), activity data, DNSBL, and DNSBL URI.

Additional Features

Detect Abuse/Spam Traps

Remove known e-mail complainers and spam traps from your list.


Add missing data such as full name, location, gender or city, state/region, and country when the registration IP address is provided.  

IP Information Needed

The provided registration will be attached, and details such as country, region, city and zip code will be added.

User Q&A (answered by ZeroBounce.net)

  1. Does your service generate a fixable e-mail address for invalid e-mails?

Yes, we can detect common misspellings in popular e-mail domains and suggest correct e-mail addresses. We call it "Did you mean". This is useful when people have forms on their website and are using our real-time validator.  

  1. How detailed are the reports we receive? I've used TowerData, and the reports are very detailed, but their testing doesn't seem very accurate.

 The reports are very detailed. We provide a zip file containing all your e-mails broken down. We also provide a PDF overview listing your top 10 areas, validated results, and our own data added to the results.  

2. Bulk Mail Verifier.Com – Best Bulk E-mail verification tool

Bulk mail verifier provides a very simple and fast Email verification tool service.

Mailing List Verification

Bulk mail verifier is a private e-mail list verification service with a 99-deliverability guarantee. This is an emerging provider with a convenient and useful E-mail verification tool.

Bulk mail verifier's mission is to increase leads and assist you in producing modern commerce. Their e-mail list confirmation benefit gives a real-time confirmation API for businesses that depend intensely on mail promoting. Bulk mail verifier increases conversions by improving e-mail deliverability. Additionally, their user-friendly interface makes a difference when it comes to cleaning up e-mail lists. In short, Bulk Mail Verifier is an e-mail authentication tool that is suitable for businesses of all sizes in terms of durability and affordability.

Their service prides itself on identifying "disabled users" within Yahoo/AOL. They were the first to take on this challenge.  They also offer significant discounts to non-profit organizations and educational institutions. 

Check If The E-mail Address Is Valid With Bulk mail verifier 

Bulk mail verifier offers flexible payment options, including monthly subscriptions and pay-as-you-go plans, as well as 100 free credits per day. Currently, they are offering up to 100% bonus credit on every purchase. In bulk mail verifier vs. zero bounce bulk mail verifier is the best choice to make.

How Much Do Pay That Much

Take advantage of our super competitive prices for a limited time. Our basic plan starts at $15, which gives you 2,000 Email verification tool credits. In bulk mail verifier vs zerobounce bulk mail verifier is the best choice to make.

We Also Offer Additional Level Options

$49 for 10,000 confirmations, $179 for 50,000 confirmations, $279 for 100,000 confirmations, and $799 for 1 million mail confirmations. For those who need bulk, Bulk mail verifier offers 2 million credits for just $1,199.

Monthly Subscription

If you want a monthly subscription, we've got you covered. Our basic plans start at $29 for 5,000 credits, $39 for 10,000 credits, $159 for 50,000 credits, and $699 for 1 million credits. With our monthly subscription, you'll benefit from even better prices. In bulk mail verifier vs zerobounce bulk mail verifier is the best choice to make.

White Label Solution

Bulk mail verifier offers a no-cost white-label solution that takes advantage of the available admin and client areas, guaranteeing a fast and hassle-free setup for your unused trade.

Cash Back Ensure

Our money-back guarantee is our way of saying we are committed to your satisfaction. In bulk mail verifier vs zerobounce bulk mail verifier is the best choice to make.

Highest Rated Service

Overall, Bulk mail verifier is highly rated on Trustpilot (4.8/5), G2 (4.7/5), and Capterra (4.7/5). Bulk mail verifier prioritizes client fulfillment and provides professional e-mail and chat support from knowledgeable experts who will help you answer your questions. Information security could be a big need for Bulk mail verifier, as they store your data on secure servers and routinely perform penetration tests to prevent any data leaks. In bulk mail verifier vs zerobounce bulk mail verifier is the best choice to make.