Avoiding Spam Filters: 5 Effective Tips

5 Effective Tips to Avoid Spam Filters When Sending Email

By Bulk Mail Verifier | 11/3/2023, 8:40:06 PM

Every email marketer puts all his efforts into making his email marketing campaign successful, and the one thing that makes the campaign successful is none other than the open rate of your emails. That said, that's a huge challenge for marketers as they don't have the guarantee that the recipients actually open their carefully crafted emails. However, if your messages don't land in the users' inbox, then they probably have been caught by a spam filter. But sometimes, it is more important how you interact with your recipient. If your content is odd or not according to the users' requirements, then this becomes the reason for being labelled as a spammer.

In this regard, it is essential for every email marketer that they must know how to avoid spam filters when sending emails. So here, we are profoundly going to discuss some ways that a marketer can use to avoid spam filters.


To know the tricks of how to avoid spam filters, it is essential first to understand what spam filters are. A spam email is referred to as an irrelevant, unsolicited email sent in bulk to several individuals. Spam filters are software made and used to distinguish unwanted or unsolicited messages and prevent them from landing in the inboxes. Well-known internet service providers ISPs like Yahoo! And Google have built-in filters to ensure their clients are protected from "junk" emails.

However, the clash between ISPs and spammers can also hurt organizations and their activities regarding marketing in the form of "false positives." Authentic commercial messages that are erroneously routed by spam filters to bulk. As per ReturnPath, about 21% of permission-based messages sent by real email advertisers end up in junk. So the big question is, what should be possible? How can you maintain a strategic distance from spam filters?

Luckily, there are some tricks and tips that give you a helping hand to prevent your emails from reaching the spam folder. By following these guidelines, you can defend your messages from being considered as spam.


Spam filters have become increasingly rigorous. Even a little error of you when sending messages can trigger the spam filter and stop your email from delivery. Here, you can discover how to avoid spam filters and enhance your email deliverability.


Have a catchy email subject line to stand out. Well, the most important thing is to make somebody open your email. It's half of your work; strong copywriting is fundamental. It is alright to keep the headline nonexclusive rather than over-promising, which may appear too far-fetched.

Ensure your headline is relevant to the cause and the content of your message. Try not only to attempt a little to make sense of urgency or offer. A decent guideline by Hubspot is this: If it seems like something a used car salesperson would say, it's presumably a spam trigger word.

Try not to utilize "spammy" words or expressions, Upper case words, and too much punctuation. Using them in your email message can trigger a spam filter, mainly if they are found in the email headline.

Also, please don't use any deceptive headlines or misdirecting claims, as this is also a valid spam tactic.


Could you stick to the regular format? Don't be too innovative with various formatting in every newsletter or each area of the newsletter.

Research showed that over 60% of respondents thought about it unacceptable for marketers to try different styles of fonts, sizes, and colours. Almost 70% of respondents set the font standard to be one size. Thus, for instance, red colour content in the body of the email or so much utilization of underlining and bolding is strictly prohibited. Besides, textual styles that are too large or too small can trigger a spam filter. The cause behind this is that numerous Spammers either attempt to conceal a message in an email with small font sizes, or they use big font sizes to make an offer. Just use standard text size to maintain a strategic distance from spam filters.


A spam filter can examine the content of your email. So, please ensure you make good content for your newsletter. Similar rules that apply to an email subject line will apply to the body content, too. Copywriting that makes users need to make a move should be both primary and convincing. To make your composing sound progressively friendly and relatable, use easygoing language, everyday expressions, and even personal home stories.


Mailbox suppliers assess something beyond the sender's IP, content, and domain. Moreover, if the users fail to perceive the "From" field, they may erase the email without opening or reading it. They may have yet to remember about your brand, or you may have utilized a different email address than the standard one. It doesn't matter; if they don't know who sent them the newsletter, they will probably neglect it. Firstly, the absence of a familiar sender will hurt your Opens proportion. Much more terrible, this effect can likewise influence your list and create a negative impression by labelling messages as spam. Thus, do not use a general email address like noreply@/ marketing@/ newsletter@. It's much more advisable to send the messages from a sender persona, for instance, john@x.com. This address may belong to the genuine individual, taking care of the sales/business improvement, or it tends to be a fake persona assuming the job of a business developer.


Say no to the paid list. It is strictly prohibited to use a purchased list. It will definitely mess up your email marketing program and harm your brand reputation as well. So, an excellent approach to avoid spam filters is to seek explicit consent to send each kind of content, for example, offers, organization news, and partners' offers, with the goal that your supporter doesn't label you as spam. Or, surprisingly more dreadful, report you for abuse. Proactively, expel the dormant users.

The above are just some of the crucial tips when sending email campaigns. However, things are still going wrong even in the most significant planned campaigns; that's why you'll need to always forward a test email first. Send a spam test email to ensure that you have put all the necessary points in it.